2 Gal Best Shot

Teams of 2 women tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to. play. Both players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes.

Lunch is included, along with hole prizes and putt pick ups.

3 Person, 8-inch cup Best Shot

The 3 Person, 8-inch cup Best Shot tournament is a new addition to the tournament schedule this year.

The format is a 3 person best shot; all players tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to play. All players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes. BONUS: The cup is 8 inches wide, rather than the traditional 4.25 inches!

Hole prizes and putt pick ups included.

Over 40 - 4 Gal Best Shot

Attention women over 40! The DGC has a tournament just for you. Come play in our Over 40 - 4 Gal Best Shot!

Teams of 4 women tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to. play. All players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes.

Lunch is included, along with hole prizes and putt pick ups.

2 Man Best Shot

Teams of 2 men tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to play. Both players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes.

Hole prizes and putt pick ups included.

Chili Dipper

Looking for one last tournament? The DGC's annual Chili Dipper is your chance! Grab a couple friends, a jacket, and come on out for some golf and chili!

The format is a 3 person best shot: teams of 3 tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to play. All 3 players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes.

And as advertised, the DGC will be serving their famous homemade chili (hot and/or mild)!

3 Person Best Shot

The 3 Person Best Shot tournament is a new addition to the tournament schedule this year. Teams are comprised of 3 people, men or women. All players tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to play. All players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes.

1 Person Best Shot

Wish you could have a mulligan on every shot? Well now you can!

The 1 Person Best Shot tournament could also be referred to as the “Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda” tournament. It is a unique singles event that allows players to take a second shot and play the best of the 2, at any time (off the tee, in the fairway, or on the green).