4 Person, 8-inch cup Best Shot


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The format is a 4 person best shot; all players tee off, and choose which of the balls they’d like to play. All players then hit from the spot of that ball. Play continues this way for all 18 holes. BONUS: The cup is 8 inches wide, rather than the traditional 4.25 inches!

Hole prizes and putt pick ups included.

Tournament Date: 
Saturday, June 19, 2021 - 9:00am
Tournament Fee: 
$35/person + $20 cart rental
Tournament Results: 
Championship Flight First Flight
Blake Jackson, Dalton Nesheim, Zach Martin, & Sam Johnson 51 Barb Johnson, Jim Johnson, Mike Moon, & Robin Harris 61
Jim Flurer, Brandon Flurer, Kenton Waters, & Ryan Waters 56 Todd Peterson, Jeff Mossman, Rob Ahrens, & Jeremy Abbas 61


Men's Longest Drive Blake Jackson
Women's Longest Drive Barb Johnson
Closest to the Pin Kenton Waters
Longest Putt Merlin Loux